Sonnets for Orion

Oh! Thou a gr'ter evil
Than to stole thy heart so vile?
For like a matyr I weep
For thy mis'ries are so deep!

At the day's br'ak cold sleep slumbers
Where thou presence lingers!
A mountain hides the valley.
Of truth and d'sires the trolley!

Vampiric fangs of frost bites.
Soul less death moves to strike.
I ask thee of gr'ter passion
Than the desire to pull the excalibur ashen!

Love is of life and golden flares
Shine like the sparkle in thine bare!
Hold thy hand in fall so deep
Lift thy up from the abyss of weep?

For thou shine brighter than orion
In the lifless life of love bashen!
Holy art thou penelope? Shaken!
In this demenour our life collide
Dance with thee for it to subside.



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